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Open Call for Applications to Higher Education Institutions to Develop Study Programs for Specialization Area ‘013 Primary Education’ of the Knowledge Area ‘01 Education/Pedagogy’

The project ‘Finland’s Support to the Ukrainian School Reform’ (hereinafter: Learning Together) announces an open Call for Applications, organized within the New Ukrainian School reform with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The project is funded by Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the European Union.

The competition is meant for study program development teams for specialization area ‘013 Primary Education’ of the knowledge area ‘01 Education/Pedagogy’ in higher education institutions (HEIs) providing pre-service teacher training in that area to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

As a result of the competition, approximately 10 pilot HEIs with their study program development teams will be selected based on their eligible applications received in due time to participate in the project’s training of trainers program.

Each HEI should nominate 1-2 development team members who will be trained and certified as trainers to share the experience gained and to facilitate further training of study program developers in line with the NUS concept.

The training of trainers program will increase the participants’ competencies in higher education study program design and pedagogy in line with the NUS concept. In addition, the training program will be enriched by Finnish good practices in teacher education and primary education pedagogy.

The three-module online training program (3 cr) will cover the full cycle of study program design, implementation and assessment of teacher students. There are three main themes in webinars: (1) How to plan, implement and assess a study programme; (2) Interactive ways of teaching and learning; (3) Assessment of teacher students. In addition to three training modules, field work periods with online guidance will be offered for piloting of new practices in pilot HEIs.

Requirements to applications:

  • The applications should be submitted by email in English to [email protected].
  • The deadline for submission of applications is 28 May 2021.
  • The supporting material can be in Ukrainian.
  • The documentation should include:

-        a draft profile of the study program to be developed or upgraded (according to the attached form);

-        information about the study program development team (5-7 people) in a free format;

-        short CVs of 1-2 HEI’s representatives who are delegated to attend the training (in a free format);

-        a motivation letter (a joint letter in case of two persons) from HEI’s representatives who are delegated to participate in the training (in a free format).


27 April 2021 – publication of the Public Notice

28 May 2021 – deadline for submission of applications

29 May – 9 June 2021 – selection and assessment of applications based on the analysis of documents submitted

June (the date tbc) – introductory seminar

Autumn semester 2021 – training of trainers (three training modules)

Autumn semester 2021 – spring semester 2022 – field work

Information on the program and conditions of participation:

  • Structure of the programme:

Part 1: Three online training modules (in total 3 cr) targeted to the selected trainers; with additional open access thematic webinars to all members of the development teams.

Part 2: On-the-job field work period at a higher education institution after each thematic module:

-        To conduct training of at least 20 potential developers of study programs in the specialization area ‘013 Primary education’ in the higher education institution.

-        To facilitate and monitor the piloting of the new knowledge and methodology, and

-        Feedback reporting.

  • Language of instruction: Ukrainian and English with translation.
  • Participation in the training program is free of charge. The selected pilot HEIs cover any other expenses during the project.
  • Trainer certification based on a successful completion of the program, i.e.:
    • Active participation in the training and completion of all tasks and reporting in accordance with the program;
    • Completion of an online test (in Ukrainian)
  • Certification of the participating development teams
    • Members of development teams receive a certificate for active and successful participation in the project.

Monitoring participation and work in a development team, producing related material, and any logistical expenses remain as an in-kind contribution of each HEI.

Requests of clarification in writing should be sent by 7 May 2021 to: [email protected]



The proposal shall consist of four (4) parts:

-        Part 1. Draft profile of the study program that the HEI plans to develop (according to the attached form ‘Part 1’).

-        Part 2. Information about the development team (recommendation: 5-7 faculty staff mainly) of the study program.

-        Part 3. CVs of 1-2 representatives of a higher education institution, who are delegated to attend the Training of Trainers program.

-        Part 4. Motivation letter (max. 2 pages, A4) from the participants who are delegated to participate in the Training of Trainers program on behalf of the development team (a joint letter in case of 2 representatives) to certify the readiness to participate actively in the online trainings and to be responsible for the HEI-based training and facilitation of the field work period.

Submission of the application:

-        The application shall be submitted by email to [email protected] latest on 28 May 2021

-        The title of the email message: ‘Call for Applications – 013 Primary Education’

-        The required documentation shall be included in the email message asone or more separate Word-files.


The DRAFT PROFILE OF THE STUDY PROGRAM that the institution plans to develop

- fill in the attached form below


For identification of the proposal:


Higher Education Institution and Chair (Department) providing the proposal:


Contact person of the proposal (HEI’s representative who is delegated to participate in the Training of Trainers):







Proposal is supported by the Head/Deputy Head of the Chair (Department):






Profile of the Study Program ‘Name of the Program’

for pre-service training –

in the knowledge area01 Education/Pedagogy’,

specialisation area013 Primary education

The scope of the program


ECTS credits


Training period


– years


Higher education institution/ scientific institution

Full name


Training license information


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated________ No.__


Qualification level for the program




_____ level of the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine




The purpose of the program








Characteristics of the program


Subject area



Program focus



Orientation of the program



Distinctive features of the program


Employment and continuing education





Continuing education


Learning style and methodology


Approaches to teaching and





Forms and methods of organization of the educational process





Assessment system





Program competencies (PC)

Program learning outcomes (PLO)

Professional competencies
















General competencies
















Compulsory subjects

Name of the CS, program competencies it is focused on


Name of the CS

Program competencies it is focused on
















Optional courses


Name of the OC   

Program competencies it is focused on


















Minimum requirements to the study program to be developed (compulsory):

Engagement in the concept of the New Ukrainian School

How the NUS would be paid attention to in the pedagogical approach and methodology? Write down below (not more than 300 words)









Minimum requirements to the study program to be developed (compulsory):

Collaboration with a primary school in teacher practice of teacher students

Describe how the practical part of the study program would be organized.

How a school and practitioning teachers would be involved in and support teacher practice? Write down below









Minimum requirements to the study program to be developed (compulsory):

Compliance of the study program with the criteria defined in the Annex to the Regulations on Accreditation of Study Programs of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, based on which degree-seeking students are trained (not more than 300 words)









Minimum requirements to the study program to be developed (compulsory):

Compliance of the study program (for bachelor’s level) with the Higher Education Standard for specialisation area ‘013 Primary Education’ for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education (not more than 300 words)









Minimum requirements to the study program to be developed (compulsory):

Compliance of the study program with the Professional Standard for ‘Primary School Teacher of a General Secondary Institution’, ‘Teacher of a General Secondary Education Institution’, ‘Primary School Teacher with a Junior Specialist’s Diploma’ (not more than 300 words)










Other strengths in the study program to be developed, if any (optional)

Collaboration with other higher education institutions in Ukraine or abroad

Describe possible forms and benefits of collaboration that will increase the efficiency of teacher training in connection with this study program(not more than 300 words)








Research work, e.g. action research

How research would be integrated in the study program? How research elements would benefit learning? Wrtite down below (not more than 300 words)
















Information about the DEVELOPMENT TEAM (recommendation: 5-7 faculty staff mainly) of the study program

-        Please provide information in a free format.

-        On the top, please write the details in the box below for identification of the proposal.



For identification of the proposal:


Higher Education Institution and Chair (Department) providing the proposal:


Contact person of the proposal = One representative of the higher education institution who is delegated to participate in the Training of Trainers:








Some helpful questions for guidance, if needed


-        Describe the composition of the development team. Who are the members of the development team? What are their specific roles in the team, if any? Introduce the complementary knowledge and experience of the team members. Explain the team’s motivation to submit the proposal for support by the Learning Together Project.


-        An asset (not obligatory): One development team member with sufficient English language skills (oral, written) to enable the team’s direct communication with Finnish experts, if needed. The Project ensures interpretation services in connection with the Training of Trainers sessions.



















The CURRICULUM VITAE of the REPRESENTATIVE(S) of a higher education institution who are delegated to attend the Training of Trainers program (in a free format).







The MOTIVATION LETTER (max. 2 pages, a joint letter in case of two persons) from the representative(s) of a higher education institution who are delegated to participate in the Training of Trainers (to certify the representatives’ readiness to actively participate in the program and readiness to be responsible for the HEI-based training and facilitation of thefield work period.

 – In a free format.



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