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Міжнародний волонтерський табір «Stara planina» в Сербії

Якщо Ви шукаєте чудовий проект на літо в іноземній країні і бажаєте отримати міжнародний волонтерський досвід, а головне знайти друзів з усього світу, тоді цей проект саме для Вас. 13-24 липня 2013 (Сербія). Український Молодіжний Центршукає 2-ох мотивованих учасників.

  • мати дійсний закордонний паспорт,
  • мотивовані учасники, які цікавляться волонтерством  
  • розуміти та розмовляти англійською мовою,
  • бути готовим поширювати знання і навички, на місцевому рівні,
  •  мати можливість покрити витрати на поїздку,
  • покрити організаційний внесок 200 грн. 

 Інформація про проект надається англійською мовою.

Open to: All interested

Venue: village Temska (near town Pirot) on Stara Planina (Old Mountain),

History and Details about the camp

Camp “Stara planina” was established in 2008. year by student organizations at the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Nis, Kragujevac and villagers from village Temska as a kind of rebellion against the destruction of the mountain, in order to preserve it..

In the beginning it was the science/research camp for students of Science, Biology and Ecology, but, as the camp grew, the number of participants from year to year increased, so it became a international volunteer camp also. Thanks to the involvement of individuals, led by Marko Sciban, from the third year of camp volunteers from abroad started to come.   
From 2012, organizations from Pirot took the responsibility to organize camp, led by the NGO “Pirot E Publika”, NGO “Temska” and Youth Office of Pirot, in order to maintain the camp and further improve it.   
During those 5 years the camp has become the largest of its kind in Serbia and beyond. Each year over 200 participants are part of our camp, both from From Serbia and abroad. Moreover, last year’s camp was intercontinental, because we had participants from Africa, and South America, in addition to the standard participation of Europeans.

Basically, we had two Work Camps. One is for biologists, ecologists, geographs from Serbia, and second one is for participants from all over the world. But we are all at the same venue, so there are no strict restrictions from joining certain activity.

Work and activities

Here are some of the activities so you can have a clear picture what we will do: we will visit the Zavoj lake, the waterfalls around the village, each participant will spend a day in a local household to get a clear picture about rural the life people live in the rural areas, we will be a part of Traditional food festival, we’ll clean, along with the people from the village, acid tree, there will be workshops on how to save villages from dying and how to get people from the cities to return to villages. As we will talk about activism, we will visit Pirot and try to motivate people from the city to come to Temska and visit Traditional food festival or help us clean the river bank from acid tree. Also, we will tackle the themes like sustainability, ecology. There will be sports competitions, and we will try to have a different kind of lectures every night every night, about women’s rights, about the water. Also, we expect to have a photography workshop and many other activities.


Creative volunteers are more than welcome. Volunteers interested in research need to be prepared for the subject of their research (biodiversity, geology, archaeology, tourism capacities, art, music etc.) and have some experience of work in the field. Those interested in learning some subjects also need to be prepared for their objective. It is planned to hike a lot, so volunteers should be able to hike sometimes even 15-20 km per day.

Costs: There is a participation fee of 5 Euros per day, so 50 Euros per whole camp.

Travel: The travel costs will not be covered.

Accommodation: At the local school, sleeping bags required. There are also showers and toilets in the school.

Food: Food will be prepared by volunteers.

Working languages will be English

Facebook page

If you’re interested, please send CV, Motivation letter and a short essay of your way to prevent mountain villages from dying, to our e-mail: [email protected]

Deadline: 15th of April 2013





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