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Вакансії кореспондентів

Global Development Observer (GDO) is a London and Bonn based press service and news agency, which provides journalistic information about development cooperation, highlighting positive or negative cases. Our main aim is publishing articles that check the quality of the development cooperation in the world today - whether projects really have caused positive impact in communities or if they have served other interests and objectives. We are doing media work, but we also undertake a 'watchdog facet'. We are keen to cover general subjects about international relations as well, however, this is a secondary aim.

We are opening paid vacancies for talented correspondents (freelancers) with special investigative skills in the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, Georgia, Russia, Federation, Bosnia Hezergovnia, Ukraine.

For these positions we require excellent writing skills in either of the following English/French/Portuguese/Spanish/German.

GDO will work with projects on the following areas:

Healthcare, education, infra-structure, food security, civil society, conflict resolution, human rights, self-determination of indigenous people, good governance, democratization, elections, water and nature management, environment, gender issues.

Reports regarding political events, press conferences with political or nonpoliticalactors involving above-mentioned subjects are welcome. GDO is happy to receive critical journalistic pieces about international partnerships, nongovernmental projects, international or local initiatives for development. 

We know that there is an "International Development Aid Industry" today and GDOis keen to produce a highly qualified debate about it, revealing difficulties, limitations, weaknesses, merits, as well as bad and good examples of projects.


If you are interested in the subject and think that you have the profile that GDO is looking for, please send your CV to [email protected]. The Website will be launched in the beginning of 2013 as until 5 December 2012 we are at recruiting stage. 


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