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Стипендіальна програма від Німецького фонду Маршалла

Німецький фонд Маршалла оголошує набір на стипендіальну програму. Дедлайн - 13 січня 2020 р. (далі - англ.).

Rethink.CEE Fellowship — Call for Applications

Three decades after it began, the democratic transformation of Central and Eastern Europe has ground to a halt. From within, the region is challenged by ruthless power politics, political polarization, weak institutions, beleaguered civil society and media, reform fatigue, and a return of traditional nationalism and phobias. Europe and the West broadly, once the desired endpoint of the region’s transformation, are mired in self-doubt and internal divisions. With liberal democracy losing its erstwhile attractiveness, a vacuum has opened that is filled with powerful counter-narratives. Fanning these is Russia, which has reinserted itself into the entire region, which it once ruled and seems determined to control once again. Just as importantly, China has made ever stronger inroads in Central and Eastern Europe. The combined effect of these regional and international developments is that the entire eastern half of Europe is at risk of reversing democracy, forfeiting prosperity achieved, and returning to the instability and insecurity that has wrecked this region for centuries. What is at stake, in short, is the grand vision of a Europe whole, free, and at peace.

Given these mounting challenges, the region and its Western partners urgently need fresh thinking and innovation in policymaking and civic engagement. For this reason, The German Marshall Fund of the United States launched a fellowship program that supports next-generation policy experts and civil society practitioners from Central and Eastern Europe.

Who we are looking for:

  • Young policy experts and/or civic activists from Central Europe (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia), the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) and the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine).
  • Maximum age: 35 years
  • Proven track record of policy analysis and/or civil society engagement at national, regional, or international levels, in a think tank, university, business, a governmental institution, or nongovernmental organization.
  • Concrete projects for innovative policy research and/or effective civil society engagement that address the current and coming challenges for Central and Eastern Europe. Priority will be given to projects that have regional, rather than single country, reach and applicability.
  • Commitment to produce a quality policy publication as the main output of the fellowship.

What we offer:

  • A year-long non-resident fellowship
  • Affiliation with The German Marshall Fund of the United States, a premier transatlantic think tank
  • Access to the GMF network of policy and civil society professionals as well as individual support by GMF peers
  • Two workshops on policy research and writing at the early and mid-stages of the fellowship
  • Possibility of short-term stays at GMF offices, subject to research theme and availability
  • Professional publication, presentation, and distribution of a research paper
  • Full coverage of travel, board, and lodging for the purposes of policy research under the fellowship
  • A stipend of $4,500 for the entire fellowship

What you need to apply:

  • Fill out an application form
  • A letter of intent outlining your project
  • Your CV
  • A recent publication (policy paper, article, op-ed) in English authored by you

Applications should be submitted in English by January 13, 2020. 



Олена Агафонова    1779 днів тому   #  

А якщо активний, спроможний робити, є лідером організації, але вже за 35, шансів немає?

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Мазипчук Максим   1778 днів тому   #  

Вітаю, Ольго! Умови участі викладенні за посиланням Щодо уточненння програмних питань зверніться, будь ласка, до організаторів за контактами: [email protected]. З повагою, Максим Мазипчук

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Сергій Митрофанов   1778 днів тому   #  

Доброго дня, мені 36, у 2020році 37 буде, на цей момент маю близько 3000 підписників в різних соц мережах, різних політичних уподобань, з різних країн та акупованих територій, але з единим спільним ядром яке обїєднує цей сегмент людей.

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