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Програма AGORA для молодих феміністок (Брюссель)

AGORA – це програма EWL, що об’єднує молодих феміністичних лідерок для обговорення проблем фемінізму та обміну досвідом. Навчальна програма триває 5 днів. Заохочується участь жінок та дівчат з етнічних та національних меншин, жінок з обмеженим можливостями та представниць ЛГБТ-спільноти. Зацікавлені кандидатки мають подати заявку через електронну форму. Дедлайн – 11 травня 2018 року (далі - англ.).  

Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги

AGORA will take place from 29 August to 2 September 2018 and we are now looking for candidates to take part. The programme is open to any young self-identified women aged between 18 and 30 (at the time of the AGORA) who is keen to connect with other young feminists. Through a 5-day participatory summer camp, we aim to create a space for young women to exchange, bridge gaps, inspire and be inspired, strengthen connections, reinforce skills and hear the voices of other young feminists. Our objective is to empower young women feminists in Europe to be activist leaders in a changing world by giving them a space to share experience, knowledge and ideas.

AGORA has been connecting young women from across Europe for the last three years through this annual event and we are now seeking applications from young feminists for AGORA 2018. Find out more about our previous editions of Agora.

Is Agora for you?

  • Are you keen to connect with a diverse group of young feminists from across Europe?
  • Are you interested in strengthening your knowledge and skills to advocate for women’s rights and gender equality?
  • Are you keen to find out what young feminists are doing against inequality across Europe, and how you can work together?
  • Are you keen to engage in highly participatory learning processes and willing to learn more about yourself, your talents and your work in this world?
  • Do you want to be part of shaping future feminist strategies and campaigns in Europe?
  • Do you agree with the values and mission of the European Women’s Lobby?

Do you fit the criteria?

  • Are you a feminist woman (self-defined) between 18 and 30 years old (at the time of the camp)?
  • Do you have experience in activism related to gender equality/women’s rights?
  • Do you currently live in the European Union or EU Candidate countries?
  • Do you have a good level of English?

As an intersectional feminist organisation, we are committed to organising a summer camp that reflects and includes experiences that represent Europe in all of its diversity. As such, women of colour and from ethnic minority groups, women with disabilities, from the LGBTQI community and coming from marginalised groups are especially encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Read the full call for application here.

All interested candidates can apply using our online application form:

Deadline for applications: 11 May 2018.




Тетяна Осипович   2354 дні тому   #  

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