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Навчальна програма «Leadership Education and Development» (Лондон)

 Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) Programme - тренінгова програма для талановитих українських студентів та нещодавніх випускників. Мета програми - підтримка активних громадян, які впроваджуватимуть зміни у країні, реалізуючи соціальні ініціативи чи працюючи на державній службі. Дедлайн - 25 лютого 2018 року (далі - англ.). 

Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги 

LEAD 2018 Eligibility Criteria

A group of 12 participants (a mixture of students and recent graduates) from various regions in Ukraine who meet the following criteria:
► Students: current master’s students majoring in Business or Humanities related disciplines. 
►  Young Professionals: recent graduates aged 27 and under in 2018 who are employed in the public or non-profit sectors in Ukraine. 
►     Able to demonstrate leadership qualities, academic excellence and active social engagement
►     Advanced level of English
►     Interest and motivation to be involved in the public sector and / or social initiatives in Ukraine.
 During fourteen days in London you will:

 - Gain exposure to professional environment and culture of the UK′s public and private institutions
 - Participate in a variety of workshops and presentations
 - Meet public administration experts, social entrepreneurs, journalists and private sector influencers
 - Acquire essential skills and tools to implement positive changes in Ukraine
 - Develop a real project alongside other participants
 - Make new friends and connections for life.

Only current students of Ukrainian Universities and Ukrainian nationals are eligible to apply
Applications from PhD students will only be accepted in case of recent graduates who are in parallel employed in the public and social sectors in Ukraine.
Please familiarise yourself with the content of this form by downloading the reference copy from our Facebook page (LEAD Programme). You will have to complete this application in one go, so make sure you have all the needed data on hand. 
Please note that the form has to be completed in one go, there is no 'Save for later' option. While completing the application form, you can go back to previous pages to review / edit your responses.
Certain applicants will be selected to proceed to the Skype interviews in the beginning of March. Successful applicants will be informed of their status by phone or email. Due to high volume of applications, we will not be able to provide individual feedback in case your application was unsuccessful. 
Please complete this form by responding to all of the mandatory questions (marked with *). Your answers for each question should not exceed the 2000-character limit (approximately 500 words). We advise the form to be completed in English but may consider outstanding responses in Ukrainian or Russian.
Information provided in this form should be accurate and complete. We reserve the right to disqualify candidates whose applications are similar to those of other candidates or otherwise at our discretion.
Completion of this form does not guarantee any candidate acceptance into the Programme. Each participant is solely responsible for meeting the relevant eligibility and entry/exit requirements for the countries involved and compliance with all applicable law.
Source and application form:



Довгопола Ольга   2541 день тому   #  

Доброго дня! А коли буде цей проект? Тому що не написано ні тут, ні в онлайн формі. Дякую за відповідь!

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Мазипчук Максим   2541 день тому   #  

Доброго дня, пані Ольго! Відібраних учасників буде запрошено на поїздку до Лондано у липні. Для уточнення всіх деталей Ви можете звернутися за наступними контактами: [email protected]. З повагою, Максим Мазипчук.

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