Collective Global Accelerator - 4-тижнева програма у Лондоні, яка покликана об'єднати кращих соціальних підприємців з усього світу та допомогти їм у впровадженні суспільних змін. Учасники програми зможуть розвинути свої підприємницькі здібності, проявити себе як глобальні інноватори та стати частиною спільноти, яка прагне змінювати світ на краще. Дедлайн - 10 січня 2018 року (далі – англ.).
Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги
The Collective Global Accelerator (CGA) is a 4-week residential experience at our co-living community The Collective Old Oak in London. CGA brings together the best and brightest social entrepreneurs from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and businesses. We want to help you scale your impact on the world.
If you attend CGA, you'll have an extraordinary opportunity to become a better entrepreneur;
to be part of a community of people who share your commitment to do good; to grow into a global innovator, and to get access to our network of world-class experts and thought leaders.
The Collective Global Accelerator covers all costs for participants.
The deadline to apply is on January 10th, 2018, 23:59 London time. Due to the large volume of applications, we are unable to provide feedback to applicants who will not be selected for the next step of the application process.
Announcement of Results is on February 16th, 2018
1. You are between 20 and 35 years old. Exceptions are allowed.
2. You run an organization in the start-up phase (0-5 years old). It can be either for-profit or not-for-profit. We only accept start-ups who are already up and running.
3. Your start-up works on creating stronger communities in cities. Your startup's goals must be aligned to the causes we focus on.
4. You are from anywhere in the world. Yes, we accept applicants from all countries!