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Тренінговий курс для організацій, які працюють в сфері гендерної рівності (англ.)

Проект "Співробітництво ЄК/ООН з гендерної рівності заради миру та розвитку" оголошують прийом заявок на тренінговий модуль "Інструменти для гендерно-небайдужого планування та впровадження". Дедлайн подачі аплікацій - 30 вересня 2009 року.

More details on this online course:

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are central to development and peace. The new aid effectiveness agenda must offer opportunities to strengthen action towards the MDGs and gender equality. The overall purpose of this online course is to create greater awareness of these opportunities and initiate further action at the national and the international levels.

This distance learning course, which is being run by the ITC/ILO in Turin, has already been successfully delivered to 115 participants in English, French and Spanish.

The next edition of the course will be in English, from 01 October to 04 December.

Applications must be sent through an online form by September 30th, 2009.

Successful applicants will be invited to complete their enrollment during the first week of the course.

Due to the high number of applications, only successful applicants will be notified. If you apply and don't receive an invitation to enroll by October 1st 2009, you can assume that your candidature was not accepted.



Лілія Дмитренко   5500 днів тому   #  

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