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Вебінари з методики викладання англійської мови, Ресурсний центр для викладачів англійської мови

Вебінари з методики викладання англійської мови відбудуться у Ресурсному центрі для викладачів англійської мови (Києво-Могилянська Академія) 4 і 18 листопада (середа), о 15:00 (далі - англ.).

English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC), sponsored by the Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy, invites English language teachers and all interested to participate in the webinars on teaching English of American English Webinar Series.

WhenWednesday, November 4 and November 18 from 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Where: English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2 Skovorody St., Building #3, room 121

How to Participate in webinars:

- As the number of work stations that can access the webinars is limited in Ukraine, we invite all those who are interested in participating in these webinars to register as members of a viewing group at ETRC. We will join the webinars on one of our computers and project the video on a screen so that the participants could get a better view and an opportunity to fully engage with the webinars.

Schedule of webinars in November:

 - Webinar 1.5 “Building Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management” on Wednesday, November 4 at 3:00PM

Webinar description

In this webinar, teachers will learn techniques that assist in creating effective cooperative and communicative classrooms, especially in classes of 20 students or more. Using the techniques illustrated in this webinar, teachers will learn how to maintain control, while increasing student autonomy and providing each student with a role in the classroom management and with the opportunity to improve creative and critical thinking skills in English. 

Presenter’s Bio: 

Dr. Gena Rhoades is an English Language Specialist in Guangzhou, China. Previously, she was a Senior English Language Fellow in Shantou, China. She also worked in the Master of Arts in Teaching in the University of Southern California, the Strengthening Higher Education Project in Laos, and the English Language Fellow Program in Morocco.

Webinar 1.6 “Make it Meaningful: Bringing Learning to Life with Culturally Relevant Teaching  on Wednesday, November 18 at 3:00PM

Webinar description

Most experienced teachers excel at integrating strong teaching methodologies, a challenging curriculum, and well-designed materials. Sometimes, however, we spend so much time on those aspects of teaching that we forget the most important part: the students! The presenter will discuss ways to increase student motivation and achievement through use of culturally relevant teaching techniques. By creating a bridge between English and students’ backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences, teachers can empower students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically. Though this webinar is grounded in research-based best practices for teaching diverse language learners, it will also share practical tips and classroom-ready activities. 

Presenter’s Bio: 

Tabitha Kidwell is a doctoral student in the Applied Linguistics and Language Education program at University of Maryland, College Park. She has taught French, Spanish, and English, to students ranging from pre-schoolers to adults, on five continents. Her research and teaching interests include novice teacher education and teacher learning across the lifespan. She also enjoys running and wearing funny hats. 

Please sign up in advance to attend the event, by phone (044) 425-77-75, by e-mail: [email protected], or send a text message to 067 230-7619. 

English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) is situated at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, 2 Skovorody St., Building #3, room 121



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