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Тренінг “Let’s define our rights through outdoor”

Dear all,

AUAYC “Alternative-V” is urgently looking for the motivated and active participants (especially ex-EVS volunteers) on the project Let’s define our rights through outdoor”. This training course will be held in Shaki, Azerbaijan from the 16th to the 22th of September. 

The working and communication language is English, the participants need to have ability to communicate and understand in English.

This training course is aiming at empowering and developing competences of young people in the topics of human rights and youth participation. During this project  participants from 10 countries will learn how to transfer their knowledge in their countries,  to provide mutual understanding, adaptation among different cultures and break the stereotypes between youth from different countries.

Participation fee: 200 UAH

Project will cover:

  • Travel costs - 70%
  • Visa costs – 100 %
  • Accommodations and food  – 100%.

If you are interested in this project send us your application form (attached file) and the scan of the first page of the travel passport to: [email protected].

Deadline for the applications: 01/09/2013

When naming your attached application file, please use the following format:“your name/surname_ Let’s define our rights_AF”
The subject of the email should be: “Application form –“ Let’s define our rights”   Shaki, Azerbaijan -
 the 16th to the 22th of September.”  otherwise the application will not be considered.
We will inform only those participants that will be accepted for the project.

Best wishes,



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