Організація «Burners Without Borders» (BWB) оголошує про відкриття програми мікро-грантів для креативних громадських проектів, що мають на меті розвиток громад. Розмір грантів - 100-1500 доларів США. Дедлайн - 4 червня 2018 року (далі - англ.).
Більше грантів у розділі Гранти
BWB is excited to announce the launch of our 10th annual community micro-grant program, and you are invited to apply! To date, BWB has provided over $190K in grants for over 100 projects that have made a positive impact around the world, by leveraging a relatively small amount of money against the mighty power of the community’s capacity to make a difference.
Grant details
Applications Due: June 4, 2018 at 11:59pm PDT
Grant Awards: $100-$1,500
BWB grant program vision
Through BWB’s grant program, we are committed to jump-starting creative, civic projects that both grow community and make a positive impact. We know that real change starts at the grassroots level and healthy communities emerge from citizens participating in actively creating the kinds of communities they want to live in. BWB prides itself on accomplishing a lot with very little money by engaging the power of community and innovative problem solving to make a difference.
Grant guidelines
BWB hasn’t got to where we are at today by creating a lot of restrictive rules. BWB is about giving ourselves permission to evoke the wildest parts of our imaginations to tackle issues we care about. Really, the sky is the limit. You are encouraged to collaborate with members of your community and dream big! What do you care about? How can your community creatively address a particular issue to make a positive impact? What elements can you invite in that will make it engaging and fun?
What we don`t fund: Paying salaries or stipends or art projects that lack a community, civic engagement component. Fundraising Events. Capital Campaigns.
If you are looking for inspiration to create your own project, check out the 2017 award winners & 2016 award winners to get an idea of the types of project we fund.
Questions we ask oursevles when reviewing submissions:
In an attempt to help you consider whether or not your project is suitable for our grant program, we’ve provided a list of questions our judges ask when revewing submissions. These questions are not hard-lines, but rather touch points and things to consider.
Community Engagement and Impact
(If you have any issues with the online form - please email the address below and we’ll send you a simple word document application)
Questions: [email protected]
Де положення і заявка як взяти участь у мікрогранті?
Добрий день!
Детальну інформацію про мікро-гранти можна знайти на сайті:
Заявка на участь заповнюється онлайн за посиланням:
Доброго ранку! Надішліть будь-ласка форму для заповнення в форматі текстового документу. [email protected]
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Доброго дня. Анкета має заповнюватися англійською мовою. З повагою, команда ГУРТа
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