Фонд «Misk Foundation» спільно з Фондом Білла та Мелінди Гейтс оголошує набір заявок на програму «Активізація світового громадянства. Побудова нової генерації світових громадян для Глобальних Цілей». До участі у конкурсі грантів приймаються проекти молодих інноваторів, що мають на меті залучення молоді до світового громадянства та реалізації Цілей сталого розвитку. Дедлайн - 2 травня 2018 року (далі - англ.).
Більше грантів у розділі Гранти
We are seeking innovators to devise and demonstrate ways to positively engage young people (under the age of 30) in Global Citizenship at scale and in depth.
A young person's personal interaction with a social cause can easily turn into lifelong commitment. Youth who have had positive experiences in contributing to, for example, the struggle to end disease, tackle gender inequality or educate young people, close at hand, are likely to make sustained contributions to that cause. Flying young people around the world to see first-hand different challenges facing different groups achieves deep engagement, but is not scalable. At the other end of the spectrum is engagement that requires little effort but has little lasting impact on the person involved. This engagement has scale, but not depth.
Investigators are invited to propose innovative and creative solutions that uses new knowledge to positively engage young people in one or more of these goals in both scale and depth. The focus can be local, but to support Global Citizenship for the Global Goals they must also link in a clear way to efforts elsewhere – at a regional, national or global level. The initial phase, which would be funded under this initiative, must demonstrate a path to a more sustainable and scalable program. It must collect quantitative data to inform decision making for follow-on funding.
We accept applications from both private and public organizations. You must be affiliated with an organization to apply -- we are unable to make grants to individuals.
What we will consider funding:
Proposals that:
What we will not consider funding:
Proposals that: