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Конкурс грантів по програмі «Союзний механізм цивільного захисту»

Європейський союз (ЄС) шукає пропозиції по програмі «Союзний механізм цивільного захисту», націленої на оцінку і поліпшення заходів Союзу цивільного захисту у разі великих надзвичайних ситуацій. Дедлайн - 7 червня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The Union Civil Protection Mechanism, hereafter the Mechanism, was established by Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (hereinafter the Decision) . In broad terms, the Mechanism was established with the aim to provide support, upon request, in the event of major emergencies and to facilitate improved coordination of assistance intervention. The Mechanism does so by facilitating response to protect primarily people but also the environment and property, including cultural heritage, in the event of natural and man-made disasters, acts of terrorism and technological, radiological or environmental accidents, including accidental marine pollution, occurring inside or outside the European Union, taking into account the special needs of the isolated, outermost and other regions or islands of the European Union.

In order to strengthen and eventually ensure the level of response that is preferred within the Mechanism, various preparedness activities are conducted to complement the national preparedness endeavours of Participating States. The term "exercises" refers to a range of activities, spanning from validating existing capabilities to exploring new ones, from focusing on a national response team's performance to focusing on the trans-governmental and crosssectorial emergency response mechanisms. They are designed to enhance the readiness and capacities of national response in its ability to both receive as well as provide assistance. These exercise projects are to provide opportunities in controlled environments to asses, learn from and improve the response capability of Participating States of the Mechanism and the European Commission as well as to exchange knowledge and experience with third countries. 

For exercise projects under the External budget item, be established in an eligible third countries which are:  The IPA II beneficiary countries which are not yet participating states to the Mechanism: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo9 ,  European Neighbourhood Policy countries (ENP)10: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, Algeria, Egypt, Israel11, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

Important: Eligible entities in third countries can participate in the implementation of projects under the external budget item but cannot act as the Coordinating Beneficiary. Therefore, applications submitted by third countries which are not participating states to the Mechanism will be considered ineligible. To prove these eligibility requirements, Applicants and Co-applicants will have to provide the relevant information and upload necessary documents showing their legal status in the Beneficiary Register. 



  • Програма «Союзний механізм цивільного захисту»
  • [email protected]


Олександр Малицький   2696 днів тому   #  

Надзвичайно важлива тема в умовах вразливості нашої критичної інфраструктури в умовах терористичної іі прямої військової загрози. В першу чергу це стосується Дніпровського каскаду і АЕС, підводного газогону "Південний потік" та ін.
Але де взяти аплікаційну форму під проект, який наша екологічна організація вже понад два роки намагається впровадити спільно з владою?
керівник МОМГО "Зелений рух" (Миколаїв), редактор незалежної газети "Будьмо!", член Громадської Ліги "Україна-НАТО" Олександр Малицький, 093-5549446

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