Міжнародний Фонд ЮНЕСКО з питань культурного розмаїття запрошує міжнародні організації, неурядові організації та представників вразливих до суспільних явищ соціальних груп з країн, що розвиваються подавати заявки на участь у грантовому конкурсі. Розмір фінансування становить 100,000 доларів США для кожного проекту (далі - англ.).
The International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) is a multi-donor fund established under Article 18 of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Its purpose is to promote sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention (en.unesco.org/creativity/file/6249).
All projects related to tangible and/or intangible cultural heritage are NOT eligible and will be rejected during a technical assessment by the UNESCO Secretariat. Such applications can be made to the World Heritage Fund or to the Fund for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Projects that deal solely with the production of cultural and artistic works and events are NOT eligible and can be directed to the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture.
Other ineligible areas of intervention for funding requests are those that:
The project implementation period shall be between 12 and 24 months.The maximum amount that can be requested from the IFCD per project is US$100,000.
Projects that are approved for funding will receive their allocations in several installments. Beneficiaries normally receive 50% of the total amount approved in the beginning of the project, another 30% mid-way through the project and the remaining 20% once all activities have been completed and the final reports are submitted.3. Consult the IFCD Annotated Guide to help you prepare a successful application.
4. Don’t forget to attach the following required documents in the “Project documents” section according to the different type of applicant:
For Parties and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
For International non-governmental organizations (INGOs)
i. Applications by INGOs must demonstrate a sub-regional, regional or inter-regional impact through letters of support from governmental authorities from each of the beneficiary countries in the targeted sub-region/region(s) that ensure the project is relevant and meets the beneficiary’s needs and priorities;
* In the context of the IFCD funding process, regional refers to a group or cluster of countries, not a territory within a single country.
The INGOs are also required to demonstrate the international character of the organization through the following documents:
ii. Official document proving your legal status as an international NGO;
iii. Document demonstrating that membership (both institutional and individual) is international such as a list of members of the organization and the countries of origin;
iv. Document proving that recent activities have been carried out in several countries around the world.
All these documents should be accompanied with a translation into English or French if necessary.
5. Read and accept the terms of condition by clicking on the boxes in the “Submit proposal” section.
6. As the last step, sign and submit the application.
* Once you click on the Submit button, you will not be able to come back to your application to make any further changes.
The deadline to submit applications on the IFCD On-line Application Platform is 15 April 2016, midnight CET. Applications received after this deadline will not be eligible for this funding period.
Грант замечательный и есть хорошие идеи, но к сожалению Центральная городская библиотека им. Короленко г. Мариуполя участвовать не сможет, так как не проводила "мероприятия в нескольких странах мира", а только по родному городу)))
Похоже, что опять упал сайт Юнеско. Мы не успеваем заполнить форму! Сделайте что-нибудь, последние же строчки остались! Проект "Ukraine by children's eyes".