The British Embassy Kyiv is looking for proposals for project work in Ukraine to be completed by end March 2016. Successful projects will be funded by the FCO’s Bilateral Programme Budget. The deadline for submitting proposals is 6pm (Kyiv time) on 15 July 2015.
The Bilateral Programme aims to support projects in the following areas:
Support to fair local elections in Ukraine
Protection of human rights
Support to the Open Government Partnership (OGP)
This includes support for Ukraine in implementation of the OGP Action Plan for 2014-2015, with a focus on:
Our priority is on strengthening civil society organisations but we also welcome working with official government bodies where there is a strong case.
Successful projects should have sustainable outcomes and should clearly identify the change that will be brought about, they can also build on projects by other organisations, complementing their efforts.
Projects should have a budget of up to £10,000. Co-funding and own contributions will be a merit. Our funding is for this financial year only (projects must be completed and all payments made by 31 March 2016).
Administrative costs (office rent, project management and book-keeper rates, utilities, communications, stationery, bank charges etc) must not exceed 8% of the total project budget.
We are unable to fund academic courses or research, English language courses, the purchase of IT or other equipment.
Bidding process
Bidders should fill in the standard Project Proposal Form (MS Word Document, 123KB) and include a breakdown of project costs in the Activity Based Budget Form (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 20KB) .
We will not consider proposals submitted in other formats.
Successful bids must demonstrate strong strategic relevance to the areas of programme focus and have a clear focus on delivering change and sustainability.
Proposals should be sent to [email protected] by 6pm (Kyiv time) on 15 July 2015.
Please note that emails from accounts cannot be delivered to the above email.
We will evaluate proposals by the end of July. Approved projects will commence from 1 August.
Evaluation criteria
Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:
The British Embassy Kyiv reserves the right to carry out due diligence of potential grantees, including seeking references as part of the selection process.
Bidding is competitive and only selected projects will receive funding. The Embassy reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds of such acceptance or rejection. Due to the volume of bids expected we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.
Не вдається отримати аплікаційну форму заявки і бюджету. Чи можу я подати проект довільної форми?
Я маю майже тридцятирічний досвід участі у всііх виборах і у всіх іпостасях: агітатор і довірена особа, спостерігач і журналіст, член і голова ДВК, кандидат у депутати всіх рівнів, член виконкому мсцевих рад. Маю сертифікати НДІ і Дем. ініціатив ім. І. Кучеріва тренера з виборчого законодавства та кількарічний досвід проведення тренінгів членів виборчих комісій.
З повагою, гол. екологічної організаціїт"Зелений рух", заст. голови Миколаївської крайової організації НРУ, член Громадської Ліги "Україна-НАТО" і Ради Національностей Миколаївщини, викладач з 25-річним стажем, журналіст Олекандр Малицький, 093-5549446