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Гранти на посилення верховенства права та належного врядування від “Матра КАП”

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is launching a call for proposals aimed at promoting rule of law and good governance in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. The call for proposals is organised within the framework of the Matra (Social Transformation) Programme which was established in 1994.

The Matra programme was designed to support countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine and Moldova, to progress towards pluriform democratic nations built on the firm foundation of the rule of law, transparency and good governance. Furthermore, the Matra Programme supports projects that enhance citizens’ participation in decision-making processes and increase their responsibility for shaping the society in which they live.

In order to support strategic interventions in Rule of Law/Good Governance, the call for project proposals explicitly identifies the following priority areas:

Rule of Law

Proposals that are submitted must address one or more of the following topics:

  • capacity-building of legislators, judiciary and law enforcement bodies with the objective to improve the legal framework and law implementation practices;
  • securing access to justice through information dissemination and the provision of (free) legal advice to vulnerable groups.

Good Governance

Proposals that are submitted must address one or more of the following topics:

  • free, fair and transparent elections;
  • improvement of transparency and accountability of public administration and local self-government including monitoring the implementation of legislation;
  • effective delivery of public services, combating corruption;
  • participation of civil society groups in decision-making processes.

The call for proposals is open to NGOs, academic institutions and municipalities in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Joint initiatives with Dutch civil society organisations are encouraged.

Requirements and Criteria for applications:

Applicants should meet the following requirements:

  • have adequate and proven management capacity, expertise, and in the selected area(s) of intervention, as well as be able to demonstrate positive impact on rule of law and good governance in Ukraine or Moldova;
  • have at least five years’ experience of successful cooperation with international donor agencies in the selected areas of intervention.

The project proposal is expected to meet the following criteria:

  • address one or more of the above-mentioned topics;
  • demonstrate the change-making potential in the selected area(s) of intervention;
  • identify strategies that ensure sustainability of the interventions/activities;
  • be designed in accordance with the application form;
  • be implemented within 12 months;
  • identify the organisation’s own financial resources allocated to the proposed project;
  • the requested contribution should range between EUR 100,000 and EUR 150,000;
  • budgets must be developed in EURO by Moldovan applicants, and in UAH by Ukrainian applicants.

Furthermore, in order to qualify for support the proposal should:

  • not duplicate activities funded by one or more other donors;
  • not be submitted within the framework of other funding instruments of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Complete project proposals consist of the following:
The project proposal with the cover letter and supporting documents (copy of the registration certificate, statute, annual report/audit report if any) should be submitted both electronically and in one hard copy.

Moreover, applications should be submitted in the English language, using the application form on the Embassy’s web-site.

Applications should be submitted to the Embassy before 1 May, 2012.

The selection of the projects will be determined by August 1st, 2012 and applicants will be informed in writing of the results.

Address for submission:
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Matra Programme (Call for Proposals Rule of Law/Good Governance)
Kontraktova Ploshcha 7
01901 Kyiv



Владимир Кушнарев   4614 днів тому   #  

В посольстве сказали, что не 1 мая, а 1 марта!

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Пилип Литвинов   4614 днів тому   #  

Пане Володимире, можливо, в посольстві мали на увазі цю грантову програму

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Владимир Кушнарев   4614 днів тому   #  

Можливо і так, але на сайті посольства мова йде лише про один конкурс - до 1 березня.

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  •   Пiдписатися на новi

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