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Форум лідерів (Тбілісі)

Грузинський інститут стратегічних досліджень за підтримки Міністерства закордонних справ Швеції запрошує молодих лідерів до участі у Тбіліському форумі трансформаційного лідерства. Дедлайн - 7 вересня 2018 р. (далі - англ.).

The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS), with funding from Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is implementing its flagship project Tbilisi Transformational Leadership Forum (TTLF) 2018. TTLF 2018 is a continuation of TTLF 2016 and 2014. The goal of the project is to design a leadership program for young leaders from the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and 4 EU member states to improve their understanding about political and economic transformations, deepen their knowledge about political, security, economic, and social dynamics in EaP and beyond.


The program provides a unique forum for emerging leaders to connect, exchange experiences, and obtain practical training to advance their knowledge and skill set. Leading speakers from governments, think tanks, businesses, international organizations and academia will provide practitioners viewpoint on important issues related to evolving political, social and economic dynamics in EU member states as well as EaP countries. The project consists of the following stages:

Stage A –forum that will be hosted by GISS in Tbilisi, Georgia; Stage B – a study trip to Stockholm, Sweden.

During the study trip to Sweden participants will have a chance to interact with local opinion-makers and practitioners in order to get a first-hand exposure to the best practices associated with Sweden. Only participants from the EaP countries will be invited to participate in the study trip.


The program is designed for practitioners (young leaders) 2 per each country with demonstrated leadership achievements, interest in eastern partnership region and transformational leadership.

- Applicants can be working as government employees, think tankers, academics as well as professionals in private sector or NGOs;

- Applicants must be aged 24-35, fluent in English;

- Citizens of one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova Poland, Sweden and Ukraine.


The program will cover participants’ travel and accommodation costs for the duration of the program.

How to apply?

The deadline for applications is September 7, 2018. To apply for the program, please send a single page letter outlining your motivation for the program together with your most up-to-date CV in English to the following e-mail address:  [email protected]. Please, include the following text in the e-mail subject: “TTLF 2018 – Application.” You are required to include two references in your CV.

For more information please visit GISS’s Facebook page (



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