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Молодіжна конфренція Східного партнерства в Тбілісі

11-13 жовтня 2018 р. у Тбілісі відбудеться міжсекторальна конференція з питань молодіжних політик у країнах Східного партнерства. Дедлайн - 16 вересня 2018 р. (далі - англ.).

The 3 day multi-stakeholder cross-sectoral conference intends to provide a platform for local and international stakeholders, professionals, youth workers and young people to share and discuss issues of youth participation and youth inclusion.

“Youth Inclusion and Youth Participation in Eastern Partnership region: Bridging experiences in the Eastern Partnership and the EU” is a 3 day multi-stakeholder cross-sectoral conference which intends to provide a platform for local and international stakeholders, professionals, youth workers and young people to share and discuss issues of youth participation and youth inclusion.

The Conference aims to:
A. Create a space of exchange and dialogue on Youth Inclusion and participation of marginalized youth between different stakeholders, such as authorities on local and national level, youth policy responsible, policy makers, experts, NGO representatives, young people and youth workers.
B. Compare the existing situations of Youth participation in the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries, share research from different national contexts and offer a comparative perspective;
C. Showcase best practices, support structures that develop methods and strategies that specifically encourage participation of marginalized and vulnerable youth;
D. Develop recommendations on Youth Inclusion and Youth Participation addressing local and national authorities responsible for youth, national governments and the EU.

The Conference is organized by Armenian Progressive Youth NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with Creative Development Center (Georgia).

The Conference takes place within the project “Everyone Matters! Development of Inclusive and Participatory Youth Work Practices in Eastern Partnership countries”. The project is implemented by a Consortium of 7 organizations and is co-funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Participants from Georgia are already nominated.

Please submit the application form by 16th of September, 2018.
Here you may find the link of the application form:


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